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~ joycee ~ ~ 17 ~ ~ senior high baby ~ ~ type a ~ ~ leo ~ ~ the snake ~
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* Monday, January 29, 2007 * when you just feel like it. i watched meitantei conan (detective conan, or case closed. whatever) today. it airs in japan at 7:30 every monday. it was just too bad that the case wasn't solved yet in today's episode. and i wouldn't be able to watch the continuation because i'd be back home on sunday. *cries* anyway, what i really wanted to note was that ran (the main female character) was wearing the exact top that i was wearning today: a black long-sleeved turtle neck thingy. *laughs out loud* the sleeves of her top even went up to the same extent up to which my sleeves went. wee~! *bonks self* hmm.. what else? oh, i got to be in a voice conference with my doujin friends, although i didn't get almost majority of what was happening because their voices don't come out of my speaker. *throws speaker into the ocean* anyway, i got to chat with one special person whom i adore. *hearts* okay, suddenly got sleepy. i haven't been updating my recent posts. sorry. *hits self* ja ne! God bless! *peace* * Monday, January 08, 2007 * white and black. black and white. there are so many things behind this title, but i'll just be babbling about three: the white, the black, and the black and white. white it snowed yesterday. hard. it was the most snow i've seen since i came here, so what do you expect? i grabbed a coat and wore it over my shorts and shirt, and donned a white knitted cap. it was the chance of a lifetime! my host dad lent me his extra big boots (which sunk deep under the snow), and click! there went my once in a lifetime pictorial under the dancing snowflakes. *hearts* ![]() take a guess at what this second picture is. ![]() black i didn't come from a rich family, although my host family always told me i look like an ojousan, the daughter of a rich man. but i have to admit that my family isn't poor either. we eat meals three times a day, plus snacks. we watch tv, use electric fans (and sometimes, aircon) when we feel the bit hot, and we have all the other extra gadgets that other family's may not have. plus clothes and shoes. a house, and store. we're not rich, but i admit i've been spending money without much hesitation, and i 've never had a part-time job in my life (except my auto-load max, and my turns watching our store). i knew we weren't poor, and my parents weren't really that tight to us about spending. and so when my mom mailed me while i was in tokyo, i was shocked. she told me things are different at home now than they were before i left, and i must get surprised at how tight money matters are dealt with now. what struck me most is when she said she's been trying to hide it from me until then, but figured she had to tell. i realized then that the situation has really gone serious. very. no, it's not like i don't like the idea of not being free to spend money as i did before. i'm someone kuripot, especially when buying for myself. i can wear clothes from sales and tiangges, and i can last eating pandesal and other inexpensive food. as long as we're living a happy life. since then i've been thinking about how i could be of help to my parents, especially when i'm back home. and much more while i'm still here. things in japan are expensive, and i have to budget well. i don't want to be a burden anymore, as i've been the previous years of my life. black and white i'd be the one to blame if you catch my loneliness, so let's get the energy flowing again. black and white.. reminds you of what? the first thing that may come to your mind is television, or newspaper. okay, those are near enough. tv's have anime's, while newspapers have comics. now, get it? right, i'm talking about manga. with the snow piled up on the streets, there was not much to be done during the last three days of my winter vacation. i was stuck inside our house. i used the pc, tried to do my homework, listened to music, etc, etc. and i started reading manga:: lovely complex. the manga tells the story of the mutually-supportive relationship between unusually tall girl Risa and her vertically-challenged companion Ootani. (excert from an article in animaxis.com) anyway, here are just a few shots i took in between reading the manga and obsessing myself over it. you won't get the real fuzzy feeling without reading the manga itself! *squeals* ![]() ![]() there we went with the current white, black, and black and white of my life. *bows* God bless! *peace* capital T. ignore the title. i wasn't in the right mind to think of any other word, or phrase, or letter, that will do. *grins* capital T. you may be wondering, "what the heck?". well okay, i'll get to the point. this entry is about tokyo. the capital of japan. starting with the letter T. *dodges tomatoes from the audience* calm down. you can't blame me if i'm the most senseless person in the world. anyway, let's get on to the real thing. last january 4-5, i went to tokyo with my host mom and my host sister to watch ballet. wait, the ballet didn't last for two freakin days. let's just say we went there for the ballet, but took our own little tour as well. *winks* we took a 7+ a.m. bus on the morning of the fourth. as usual, i dozed off. nothing special, really. and when we arrived at tokyo, we went first to the hotel where we were going to spend the night. kkr hotel. it was still too early for check-in then (check-in starts at three), so we just left our baggage and went on to another round of train rides. our first stop? shibuya. the ultimate shopping place. *dances around* shibuya was indeed a great place, but it tired me out so much that i wasn't sure then if i'd hate it or love it. there were so many people (especially girls clad in all sorts of clothes, with their eyes surrounded by thick black paint), and it was so hot and crowded that i got dizzy with all the commotion. *faints* okay, i love sales and bargains, but i guess i'm not that up for the event i encountered in shibuya. and to add up the fact that everything was still expensive even if it was a sale day. it was crazy, really. or maybe i'm just the one who got crazy. i wasn't up to buying anything as well because i haven't received the money that my mom sent me. hit me. i was getting paranoid then. hehe. thinking about it now, i missed an ultimately good buy. there was a shop selling everything for 315 yen. even glam accessories and the like. aww, i wish i had bought somethig. oh well, serves me right for being paranoid. *sweatdrops* i spent most of the time mailing karr, chatting about almost everything under the sun. of course, koi bana wasn't out of the mail-exchange. i wonder how many yen i dropped just within the day. *lol* my mom should kill me; i'm an irresponsible child. *wails* we ate omelet for lunch. it was good. *drools* the cute guy on the other table was glancing at me. i should have thrown my plate at him; the stupid bastard was with his girlfriend. but i guess i didn't want to waste the omelet, so i just let him be. *belat* after overcoming the adventure in shibuya, we rode this extremely cool train (i forgot what it's called, but it's the train that goes smoothly high above the ground). we went to this place near a tv station to look for some place where i could buy cheap souvenir, but in the end we went back empty-handed. *sniff* we went to the hotel and met up with my host mom's friend. she's a very glam woman, obviously rich. *dollar eyes* we hung around at our room until dinner, and i had shots of the view outside the window (including the tiny orange needle which was the tokyo tower). *lol* dinner was great. i wonder how rich people tend not to get irritable at the formality. we sat there and chatted ladylike, while we ate by candlelight. to flourish the scene, there was this girl playing the piano. and we could see a good view of tokyo from there, too. *smiles* i took a bath that night, and mailed karr and my mom. really, it's so cool how everyone's phone in here could send emails. *wide-eyed* the next morning, we dolled up ourselves and went down for breakfast. i was glad because my host mom told me "kawaii", and her friend marveled at how i arranged my hair (which wasn't really complicated, believe me. japanese girls just tend not to wear their hair in different ways). so anyway, the breakfast was also good. buffet. we got to rest until 11, and finally, we checked out. where we went? azakusa. it was the ultimate japanese-themed place. i got to buy some souvenirs to bring home (and they are really, really simple ones, so if you're a friend of mine who's reading this now, don't expect me to bring you home what you're looking forward to, really). and we also got to go into a temple-like place, waft smoke towards ourselves to wash away the negative aspects of our being, and take pictures with the big red thing with japanese characters painted on it. i really don't know what it's called, but it is famous enough to be the cover picture of a book. finally, we got to go to the place where the whole trip lead us eventually: the ballet. the story wasn't one that i know of, but i understood the plot all too well. i just got to sleep at one part where the girls just kept on dancing and dancing without other events happening. *bonks self* the dancers were good; most of them were foreigners. the setup was great too, and the orchestra was cool! *beams* after the show, we went home by the bus provided by my host mom's ballet school. i wasn't that sleepy. and the girls at the back were so noisy. anyway, my seat gave me great chances to take pics of the tokyo tower. close-up. i'm not sure if i took good pictures though. *grins* i was surprised at how my host mom's ballet teacher said the departure time after the short break would be 7:15, but she was shouting at everyone to get on by 7:13. like, what was the point of setting a departure time? *shakes head* my host dad picked us up at iida station, and i wasn't sleepy when we arrived home so i just did my vain thing. you know you know it. *lol* so, there goes the story of another trip. i know, it's boring or whatever flame you may throw it, but this is my blog anyway. nyahaha. *grins* see ya! God bless.. *peace* * Saturday, January 06, 2007 * out of this world. okay. try this: imagine yourself seated in an elevator. forget the fact that people stand in elevators. this is a unique one, where around thirty seats are lined up inside. and so you buckle up, and the doors close. everything turns pitch black, and you feel the elevator starting to move up. it opens on some floors, and the doors on the last floor opens to reveal a giant mirror where you could see your reflection. okay, you can do whatever pose you like, but then you in your reflection disappears. the seats remain. the door shuts close and you can see nothing again, but you're not numb enough not to feel that the elevator is speeding up so fast, you only had time to catch your breath when it suddenly stops at the top. you gasp as you look out the giant window at the very top. there's the sky, the clouds, rays of the sun.. and then nothing. the elevator crashes down. and when you feel like it's slowing down, that's when you realize that it's going up again. oh horrors. you have only a second to scream as the elevator halts once again in front of the giant window, and down you go again. boom! *evil laugh* the tower of terror: the newest and scariest attraction there is in tokyo disney sea. located in the AMERICAN WATERFRONT, and one of my personal favorites. *laughs out loud* but no, i won't deny the fact that it left me all shaky and out of breath after i finished the ride. that's what makes it extra thrilling, don't you think? *winks* i'm sure i've mentioned this trip in one of my previous entries, but i guess i'll do another round with the explanations. last year's december 27th, i went to disney sea with my friends, the 9 girls with whom i eat lunch every schoolday. ultimate cuties. *giggles* it was the first day of winter vaction then, and though everyone were at school the previous day, no one seemed tired enough to spoil the day. okay, except for some of us at some point, including me. but let's get on with that later. i'd also be a brat here because i'm going to make some slight revelations that would make me (and could make some of the other people involved) appear rude, but please don't be too critical. *gulps* at 5, the doorbell rang, and i got on one of my friends' family car. her father brought me and another girl (whom, from this point on, i would be calling "girly" for easy identification's sake) with her to the matsukawa terminal, where we caught the 5:20 hana bus (do you remember this? the "flower" bus, although this time it wasn't the van-looking thing that it was before; it had two floors! *gapes*) and so we climbed up to the second floor. yatta! and i ended up sitting with girly. which wasn't all too fair. but i didn't really mind. or maybe i did. whatever. *sighs* let me just give you a short background. you see, the ten of us have been eating lunch and hanging out together as a group since the day we met (although at first it was a whole bunch of girls, and then later the other 10 girls had their own lively group). nothing was notably exceptional then, except when once one of the girls commented about girly, and the other girls started agreeing with the negative opinion. i never really thought it would grow bigger and bigger, but when this one girl who was always with girly said that she didn't really like her and was just hanging out with her for the sake of, well, for the sake of hanging out with her, i knew that the tiny bit of issue has now turned more to be a like a fact. and so no one wanted to hang around much with girly. and i admit that i hold the same feelings too. *frowns* okay, enough with that before you start lecturing me for being a fake friend or something. *winces* and so i sat with girly, and tried to be nice whenever she talked with me. add up all the "sorry's" from everyone, and the fact that they were all extending efforts to talk with me as well so as not to leave me out, and all my iya feelings ceased. there was an agreement that the person who sits beside girly on the bus doesn't have to end up being with her all day long, i think. i was hoping my friends loved me enough to spare me the betrayal. *drama mode* it was the usual bus ride so no need to elaborate on that. except for the bit when my one man yen keeps on popping into my mind, everything went fine. i just folded the bill and tucked it into my pocket, just in case my wallet gets stolen. and the bugging stopped. whew. before finally arriving at disney sea, we rode the super cute mickey train. yey! it was a smooth and short ride, and i just took snaps of the cart's features, and a group pic as well. (girly was kind enough to let me into the picture by volunteering to shoot). anyway, here's one pic: ![]()
![]() when they came back, we spent more time taking pictures (i was flattered when they each said they wanted a picture with me), and left. we dropped by a stall called the grotto goodies and bought some snack to much on while we walked. it was yummy! *drools* we were back yet again at the MYSTERIOUS ISLAND, and rode another ride called 20, 000 leagues under the sea. it's like a round submarine where you sit in pairs by the windows and take a tour under the water. you even get to control the lights of the submarine at some points, to enhance what you want to see. i especially loved the last part when everything turns black and with glittery lights. wai! our next stop was at the PORT DISCOVERY, where there was this very cool ride called stormrider in which you get sprinkled with real water. *sweatdrops* it's pretty like the enchanted kingdom's realto, wherein you sit with a whole bunch of people in front of a giant screen, and you feel like you really are in the scene you are watching. the set-up was being in one of the planes called stormriders, which gets into the eye of a storm to blow it. our pilot was called david, and the other plane's pilot (there were two planes) was called scott. david was a baka because the people at the headquarters were telling him to back off after scott's plane was hit by a lightning and was dust (one of my friends was shouting "scott, scott!" it was so funny i was laughing during the whole ride). really fun! can't describe any further! we dropped by the toilet, and rode the nearest ride, aquatopia. you ride in pairs and get twisted and turned in the water. simple yet fun! the two who were dating were also on the same ride, so we get to be assembled again after that. we dropped by the only souvenir shop in the area, discovery gifts, and i bought... well, something. ahehe. and we took pictures wearing the headbands with minnie mouse ears! it was then time to use the fast pass to the indiana jones ride in LOST RIVER DELTA. the ride, in full, is called indiana jones adventure: temple of the crystal skull. nest to the tower of terror, this must have been my favorite ride! one of my friends told us that a picture would be taken at one point of the ride, wherein there's a giant rock rolling down from above. when that point came, i remembered what she said so i flashed a peace sign. they were all surprised and asked me how i did it. well, "she told us", i said. but they told me "arienai!" *lol* we then went back to the MERMAID LAGOON to finally watch the show at the mermaid lagoon theater. it was so pretty! i was almost in tears like the ultimate fangirl. my friends asked me how it was after we left. well, i couldn't describe it. i was so glad! especially coz ariel sang my favorite disney song! *starts to sing* up where they walk, up where they run up where they stay all day in the sun wanderin' free, wish i could be part of that world okay, i'm not a mermaid or some sorts. but there are times when i could relate with this song. it's like you have everything, even more than other people might have, but still you wish for something more, for something different.. *bonks self* what's with the sudden drama?? so anyway, they left me to buy souvenir's from a shop (i think it was called the sleepy whale shoppe). after much fussing and consulting, i settled with a necklace and a bag. actually, i wanted to buy everything! *bonks self* okay, just majority of the stuff. *lol* i decided then to use my one man yen, but when i put my hand into my pocket.. it wasn't there. doki doki. *nervous laugh* T_T my one man yen was gone!! *cries* i was soo stunned i didn't know what to do at first, and the first thing i did was spill the secret to the two people who were with me (girly and one of my girl mates. the other were munching at the nearby reataurant). i tried to calm myself down as we took rounds around the shop to look, but it wasn't there. i decided to leave it be; let's just bury it down and forget it. but when we went to our friends, i figured that the other girl who knew had told everyone while girly and i were searching. two of my mates said we'd search, and was already out of their seats before i could put a straight face and say we should just leave it be. another pair asked for our passports so they could get fast passes at some rides, and everything was so blurry i can't remember much. we decided to go back to the PORT DISCOVERY because they said i must have dropped the bill when i bought the.. something there. i really didn't think it was there because the money i used when i bought o\something there was from my wallet, not from my pocket. but i decided to come anyway. because i thought i dropped the money when i went to the toilet there before riding aquatopia. there was just that feeling within me that said i'd find it there. i haven't been to church in ages then but i still believe God was instructing me. i prayed. very very hard. but it wasn't there. one of the two girls with me appeared and i told her i found nothing. she excused herself and said she needed to go to the toilet, so i let her be. i decided to ask the lady who was cleaning the place if she found some money, but she said she didn't. okay, that was it. game over. when my friend went out of the cubicle, i decided to tell her we should go back to the others and carry on because it was already dark then and we didn't have all day. but before i could actually persuade her, the lady in the toilet budged in, asking how much the money was. we told her it was one man, and she said that maybe we should check out the guest relations at the entrance of the park, because it's also a place for lost and found items. she pointed to us where in the map, and we thanked her, met up with the other mate, and left. it took us a long time because we didn't realize until later that we were running in the opposite direction. we took wrong turns at several points, and i was so close to collapsing then, whether it was due to the constant running or due to all the hope that was drained off me. one of my mates sat down beside me as the other one dealt with the processes at the guest relations. we were interviewed: what time we came in, what time i found out the money was missing, where we were at that time, where we thought i dropped the bill, how the bill looked like, etc, etc. in the end she even asked me to fold a piece of peper the way i folded the money. and then she left to inquire. i was so down i didn'T listen to the rest of the conversation that they had. when finally they pulled me outside, that was way i was able to comprehend what they were saying. the lady at the guest relations asked if we rode the tower of terror, and my friend had enthusiastically sai "hai!" and then we were off to that attraction to fetch the money. i couldn't believe it. the money was found. T_T before i knew it, i was already crying like a baby as we walked. i didn't know what to tell them so i repeatedly said "arigatou". one of my mates was hugging me and telling me that it was good that i didn't give up, and that i didn't hide it from them in the first place. actually, i did tell myself i won't tell them; i guess i own one to my other friend who spilled the secret to everyone. my friend who was hugging me told me she didn't want my memory of the trip to be an awful one, so she was glad as well. she said she liked me. and i told her i like her too. *sniff* three other friends (including girly) met us at the tower of terror. when the money was handed to me (in a resealable plastic), they hugged me and told me "yokatta ne, joyce!" i have ceased from crying, but i was still so glad then. as i looked back on it, i must have dropped the money when i pulled out the comb from my pocket to clip up my bangs. wow, it was the first ride, and i was oblivious that i lost it. God bless the person who handed it over to the staff and didn't just pocket it. i don't know to thank you, but God knows how to reward you. i had money then, so we all decided to do our shopping. it felt so good to be able to buy something for other people. especially with money that everyone has worked for. yet still, i tried not to spend much because i've already spent a lot at disney land. we decided to share a gift for the whole class so it would be cheaper. i bought food for my club, for my host family, and for our chapter president. without her, my papers wouldn't be processed and i wouldn't be allowed to go to tokyo with my friends. we also said we wanted a gift for our math teacher, because we all love him so much. *sparkly eyes* it was a simple shopping, but it was fun. plus the flattery that i got when everyone was saying "ii naa~" while looking at the ariel bag on my shoulder, with the souvenirs and food in it. *hearts* after that, we ate dinner at LOST RIVER DELTA's miguel's el dorado cantina. i ordered tacos and melon soda, and got to do some more picture-taking with everyone. the tacos were delicious. *drools* and someone pointed out again how cute my bag was. ahihi. *beams* for the nth time, we went back to the MERMAID LAGOON and took pictures (with the two who had been dating before). after that, we all rode rides (the not so scary ones), such as the flounder's flying fish coaster (a mini roller coaster which made me laugh so hard because it was soo cute) and scuttle's scooters (eggs that go round and round and turn around and around *lol*) it was fun too! *grins* we then had our second round at the 20, 000 leagues under the sea, and then we split the group into two: six of us went to do some last scary ride take-two's, whilst the other four went to to buy something matching for eveyone (called "osoroi"). they brought our bags. we did take-two's at journey to the center of the earth (where they got fast passes while we were searching for my money), and at the angelina jones ride (where everyone did the peace sign this time around. nyahaha). it was soo fun! but then the not-so-fun part came. we had to run and run and run. i felt like i'd have no tomorrow then. we had to run to catch the bus, and i was so tired and has turned ut to be the ultimate pain in the ass. *wails* i was thankful to girly because she dragged me along, and then another friend came to aid me. T_T we were left by the group, and it took us a long time before we were able to meet again because even if we made calls to each other we couldn't seem to meet at an exact place. i felt like i was the worst person in the world and i said sorry to everyone, but they said it was okay. we boarded the cute mickey train again, and had to run all the way to the bus in 6 minutes. i was dead. girly was there beside me as everyone overtook and told me "ganbatte!", and when we finally reached the bus, i literally collapsed on my seat. one of our friends was missing then so some of us came back out to look for her, and when all were there, we cruised home. whew. at the bus, i got my piece of the osoroi, which was a grape made up of mickey's. *huggles* i was surprised though when girly handed me a disney sea plastic bag. she told me to just open it when i was home, and said it was a gift. i didn't know what to say. i just kept it. guilty. girly's mom took us home, and when i was inside the warmth of our house again, i told all the stories and showed all the pictures to my host parents. and gave them the food. i also opened the gift from girly, which were earrings. three different pieces. hmm, i wondered how i would us them. i have two ears, both with pierces. girly had only her left (or is it right?) ear pierced, so she's probably happy with the single pieces. in the end i decided to wear the earrings anyway, even if the one on my left ear is different from that/those on the right. *laughs* i wouldn't forget this particular day, not just because of all the fun rides and wonderful spots, but also because then, i was able to make a very special memory with my friends, who never left me and wished me to be happy even if i'm leaving them soon. thank you Lord for them. *wipes off tears* sore ja, mata ne! ![]()
* Wednesday, January 03, 2007 * joyous. fresh. 12 months again. maligayang bagong taon! happy new year! akemashite omedetou gozaimasu! *blows horn* yet another year has ended, and a new year's doors have opened. hmm, how did i celebrate? i spent some days of the week before new year's day writing on my nengajou, postcards to be sent by post to my friends here in japan. they said people do it here every year. but some of my friends at school said they'd just send e-mails on new year. nonetheless, wrote mine. and i felt good doing so. *beams* i was tucked under the kotatsu (the table with a comforter and heater) on new year's eve, eating dinner and watching the music show on tv. save for the period when i was at the phone and talking with my family. it was fun. they said there was another new dog at home, from kuya ono. ask my sis who that guy is. *grins* and finally, my package arrived at home. i'm glad they liked my christmas gifts. *smiles* i mailed until late at night, and slept. on new year's day, we prepared and then left for my grandma's house. there, we ate and watched tv, and i tried doing my homework. i also took a bath, went upstairs and ate and talked and watched tv, and i was on bed early. whew. in the phil's we receive pamasko from our ninong and ninang, but here in japan children receive money on new year. i received some from my host parents, my uncle's family, and my grandma. because chrildren are said to become rich people on new year, there are sales almost everywhere (but not just for children, but also for adults). today, we did a lot of shopping and moving around. so much fun! *dances* first, mama and baba (moms and grandma) dropped me and my host sis at heiando, a book shop. i bought a book about japan (it has so many pictures and is so beautiful), and a CD of hamasaki ayumi, my first-ever favorite j-pop singer. after that, we walked to saty, and took purikura. three times. *laughs out loud* mama and baba then picked us up, and we went to jusco to do some shopping. after much searching through sales, i bought a i-dont-know-what-it's-called piece for 500 yen (it's like a hooded sleeveless long vest), and a black with white polka-dots tights (with ribbon at the end). that's about it. we also tried looking for kamisole, but those that were available were expensive so we decided not to buy. we then met up with mama and baba who have just finished grocery, and then drove on home. note: i saw the cutest guy in my class while we were driving home. he just came out of a store and was boarding a car. *bonks self* at home, we ate our lunch-snack-dinner, and then me and my host sister decided to walk to the clothes shop not quite far from home to do more shopping. it took us long before we were able to go back home; it was already dark when we walked back. i bought cool brownish shorts (i decided to get the brown instead of the usual shade of blackish gray), a cute black and white skirt with a black lace ribbon, and black tights with brown lace in the end. weird, eh? on getting home, my host sis was at our room while i went to my host parents room, and we tried our bargain out. i was so amused because i could mix and match everything that i bought for 4000 yen. i still have much money left! i picked clothes for tomorrow (i'm going out with trish and other girls to karaoke), and sticked today's purikura in my purikura notebook. i also listened to ayu's cd, and when i went down at 10 pm, i was so hungry but there weren't any food. *cries* i just ate some cookies and stuff while using the pc. hopefully i wouldn't get too fat with just a day of distorted meals. *lol* and now that a new year has begun, i would just like to thank all the peoplewho have been part of the previous years that i've lived: my family: moms, dads, ate jho, john, jen, lolo, lola, mga tito, mga tita, mga pinsan, ka millet, mga aso at alaga sa bahay, at mga tindera. my friends: bea, mica, kat, meng, nikko, mels, x, juno, enric, atan, wel, boj, aaron, mars, sop, mau, joy, chum, ate goldie, hannah, at marami pa. my batchmates and schoolmates: t-gang, collage, gay gang, friends, may, faye, joan, and iba pang mga nakababatang schoolmates. my host families: my host moms, host dads, grandparents, brother, sisters, dogs, cat, and other people who treated me as family. my schools: rizal national science high school, and my senior high school here. including my teachers, batchmates, senpai and friends. my friends here: the girls with whom i eat lunch everyday, my friends who are now in america, my clubmates, and friends in the train. the org people: trish (my buddy), stian, the people at the fuji camp, the other org children, my LP's and the other adult people. church people: tita nora, tita helen, tita juliet, tito jun, tita jasmin, sister celeste, nobu, and other adult people who treated me well at church. harrynatix: ate mae, ate elaine, ate anne, ate bevs, ate rizz, jeff, arland, phil, at syempre, kei harry. doujin: farrah, afiura-san, shen-chan, angel-chan, OD-san, sempai-san, longkang-san, miss mia, and the other doujin staff. i would also like to thank my reviewers in fanfiction.net. i do hope i could finish my latest chaptered fic once and for all. *smiles* i've been through a lot this past year, and though i was unable to stretch my time much to give every aspect the time it deserves, i feel satisfied with how i lived the year. to all of you whom i mentioned above, and even those whom i failed to mention, i thank you deeply. year 2006 was one year full of the rarest experiences that i had in my life, and i do hope to make more memories with all of you. ja, so much for the sentiness. thank you Lord for another year! maybe this year be as prosperous as the previous years, and may You remain King of everything during this year and all the years to come. God bless! A happy new year to everyone! *mwahugs* white christmas. geographically, japan is found at a location different from the philippines'. as a result, in contrary to the phil's year-round summer with rainy season, japan experiences the enumerable four seasons every year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. i've been through all. *smug* even so, i can't say that i've seen all that's supposed to come with these seasons. for instance, my winter here isn't really my winter in my mind. i should have known beforehand that it doesn't really snow much here in nagano. for the record, i've seen snow-covered rooftops only once last december. here's a photo: ![]() i was looking forward to a white christmas, but even if it didn't snow on christmas day, i experienced the shock of walking out of the train station and having my feet freeze as i marvel at the white dots swirling before my eyes. it was on the night of december 28 after i got off the 7:19 train, on my way home from my club's christmas party. one night i wouldn't forget. sugoku kandou shimashita. *smiles* as i said, i have only a month left here. it makes me feel happy and sad, excited and dull at the same time, but whatever feelings may be stirring within me have no chance of controlling time. the clock would keep ticking; i'll just pray that i'd live the remaining month to the best. God bless! |
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