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* Friday, December 22, 2006 * dream land. dream sea. wow. i did it. i can't quite believe it. wee~! i made it to disneyland! *rolls on floor laughing* you might think i'm over-acting or something, but well, the disbelief is just so over you'd better just leave me be in this trance. *laughs out loud* okay, seriously now, i still have a lot of stories to tell so i better stop making you feel envious. *grins* just kidding! it was a friday when my host family planned to take me to disneyland. *gulps* don't look at me like that. i did tell my real mom that i'd be skipping school. and she just laughed... and told me she'd tell the student exchange org president. *sweatdrops* no, she was kidding, of course. ahaha. she was even delighted when she told me, "makikita mo sina pluto!" i was just wondering: why pluto?? hmm..? and so we rode the 5:20 hana bus (flower bus. *lol*), and arrived there at around 10. we didn't really get to explore the land in its entirety, but we were able to have fun. tons of fun. i don't know if i'm capable of enumerating all that we've done, but i'll try and give you a preview of what we did generally. *winks* of course, picture-taking. my first shot was that of the huge christmas tree that one wouldn't miss when he walks into disneyland. *gapes in awe* i don't really have pictures of people in my camera (except a shot of my host parents in front of cinderella's castle), but i did took ample snaps of parades and stuff. the rest of the pictures are in my host family's camera. remind me to get a copy, okay? thanks! *giggles* as i mentioned, parades. there was one at around 3 in the afternoon, and another at night. really, would you believe me if i tell you that i didn't get a shot of the mickey-and-minnie-float during both parades? *bonks self* me and my host dad were a little late for the 3-pm parade because we rode splash mountain, and then me and my host mom were late yet again for the night parade, partly because we can't decide if i'd just go ride til i die with my sis, and partly because there are so many people blocking my sight that i didn't see the mice's float. *sinks* as for the rides, here are my top three favorites: 1 splash mountain. this is the ride that i rode only with my host dad. the other two girls refused to join us because by the end of the ride, there will be a slightly steep fall (ala log jam of enchanted kingdom), and by the screams of the people who were soo visible as they fall down to the water, the ride proved to be "scary". and the other two girls don't like scary rides. anyway, as with other falling-down-the-slope rides, there's a camera. i actually counted 3 seconds and put out a smile and peace sign, and after the flash came, i willingly distorted my face and screamed to death. it was a little bitin though. the lucky girl that i am, my host dad bought me the 1000+ yen picture. *beams* 2 pooh's hunny hunt. this ride is so famous that the lines of people never ceased, that's why i was so curious as to what was within the giant storybook. we ran to here after watching the night parade, and as we expected, the waiting time was down to 30 minutes. lucky! and the parade was just going to this ride's direction so we got to see it the second time (the first time for my host dad and sis though), and in no time we were within the pages of the book. while waiting, i tried reading the story but there were holes within the pages (for people to pass), and the pages were jumbled so i finally gave up. but i saw a pretty cute picture of christopher robin pinning a tail on eeyore's butt. aww, i love eeyore! so cute! *eyes sparkle* the ride was fun; very bumpy. but i guess it was worth the wait. *winks* 3 it's a small world. aww, this one's so adorable! it's like a tour around the world, wherein dolls wearing costumes from different countries are dancing and singing "it's a small world" and christmas carols. i felt like i was on the verge of crying then. i get so sentimental when i hear christmas songs sang loudly and merrily; i guess i missed the lively christmas that i've been used to in the philippines - even the annoying brats who kept singing christmas carols in front of our house, and not even bothering to leave until there are candies left. *grins* there's also this ride of buzz lightyear that i enjoyed, wherein there are laser guns attached to the carts and you need to fire at all the "z's" that you'll pass by inside the course. it was so fun! i really didn't score a lot though (around 9000 i think), but it felt like being back at home and banging at playstation keys. *grins* another ride that i remember is the supposed halloween ride, but turned out to be kinda weird because it had a christmas theme. i especially loved the last part of this one: we passed by mirrors and saw ourselves, and then ghosts started to appear between us in the reflection. woah, creepy! my host sis was shouting "kimoi " so much i began laughing. *sweatdrops* other rides include a boat ride, a train ride, and a raft ride plus a walk in tom sawyer island. lunch was at the heart queen's palace. *beams* at around dark, we did our shopping. i spent one man yen on souvenirs for my friends at school and at club, for my family at home, some more friends, my LP's, trish, and myself. i already had lots of tin cans from USJ, so i picked cookies and candies that are inside bags and other stuff like that. we then had dinner at a cool pizza parlor with a space theme. yummy! the sweet potatoes were nice, too! *drools* the bus home was at 9:20. the day was awfully tiring but exceptionally enjoyable just the same. really, i owe a dream come true to my ever-loving host family. and of course, all the praises goes up there. *points up* Thanks, Lord! and to end this entry, here's a shot of the cinderella castle at nighttime, the last shot that i took within the gate of tokyo disneyland: ![]() ja, mata ne! God bless! *peace* PS: i found out that ariel belongs not to disney land but to disney sea. so now a new dream is established: to go to disney sea! and my friends are making it come true. *smiles* see ya! * Saturday, December 02, 2006 * 10. times 2. plus 1.
do the math. what do you get? another increase in my dear sister's age! happy birthday ate jho! birthday wishes? tons of later birthdays to anticipate, good health and an eternally pretty self. charing. but seriously, wish you all the best. that shows juat how much me loves you! *hugs* aww... just a couple of months and my sister's gonna graduate from uni. wee~! and she'll gonna pay for my schooling. nyahaha. i knew i should have taken medicine; it'll be worth it! (just kidding.) anyway, teh, good luck on your future endeavors! i'm looking forward to the trip to america, okay? want me to bring you a winter coat? *winks*
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