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~ joycee ~ ~ 17 ~ ~ senior high baby ~ ~ type a ~ ~ leo ~ ~ the snake ~
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* Sunday, November 19, 2006 * trip. as in. part 2. okay. here's the ever-delayed continuation of trip. as in. set within kyoto last november 4th. enjoy! *winks* as i think i said at the end of the first part, i woke up early in the morning and finished the necessary preparations. the meeting time was ten minutes to 7 at the corridor, and at the appointed time i opened the door of my room and was shocked to find my LP standing right in front of me. well, if she was waiting for me she should have knocked, right? i was freakin surprised but i hid it well anyway. *grins* we went down for breakfast, which was what they call 'viking' or 'biking' - couldn't figure out which because they use the same katakana for b and v syllables. anyway, it's what we call buffet at home. there were lots of yummy-looking food, but having this small stomach of mine, i got to taste only a few of those treats. but it was a good meal anyway. after the splendid meal, we went back up and went back down again to have the hotel send our luggage home. after that was the supposed free time, which i spent in my room brushing my teeth and tying my hair in a side-ponytail (since it was so bad if let loose). i still had a big clothe bag to carry aside from my small hand bag (which, by the way, my LP's niece claimed to have been hers. she said she gave it to the bazarre committee during their school festival. well, guess what? i indeed bought mine at their school festival, from the bazarre. *sweatdrops* really, it's an amazingly small world that we have under our feet). so anyway, we left the grand hotel, and headed for the not so grand trains. *shakes head* do i need to say that i had to stand up and have my arms ache during one of the successive train rides? if your answer is no, then good, 'cause i don't plan on repeating what i've just said. let's fast forward on to the end of the train rides, shall we? although it's still a not so pleasant setting: we entered the comfort room only to find out that there's only one cubicle, so we had to take turns, like children lining up for the candies given away by the clowns at a birthday party, except the candies turned out to be an unpleasantly unclean comfort room in our case. after that, we rode taxis (my LP actually had the others leave me behind and the two of us rode together), and finally, we arrived at our real destination of the day (by foot, since the taxi had to stop at one point where there are too many people). i don't know what the shop is really called, but the famous spot near it is the kiyo mizu dera, a temple that is built high above the mountains, and famous for the criss-crossing wood that holds the whole thing up. and there's also a spot a little down the mountain where people line up to drink water. i think those two are the main attractions of the place, except maybe a handful of maiko-san's walking around. (they are apprentice geisha. have you read The Memoirs of a Geisha? then you'd probably have an idea. it's the stage before someone becomes a real geisha). guess what? i've been part of one of those attractions. the shop wherein we first stopped is actually a restaurant, with a maiko-san make-over salon at the back. that's were we headed. as far as i can remember, we arrived there at about ten in the morning, and left at 12 noon. the preparations were that long. okay, let me give a brief drescription: first, we changed into thin white robes. there weren't any males around so it was kinda fine. it was funny because we were changing behind one side of a white clothe, while on the other side there was this girl who just finished her preparations and were having her picture-taking. so anyway, we also wore the cute japanese kimono socks. it's white like normal socks, but wasn't made with the stretchy fabric so it really didn't cling onto our feet. it also has something like a sole, and there's a partition between the big toe and and other four toes. (weird description, sorry.) after that, we had our hair pulled back and captured within nets, and then we were asked to clean our face, i think it was with baby oil. yoshi. all ready for the make-up! yup, you guessed it right. the make-up was white, pure white for our faces up to a little above our chests and with a design i've never known before on our napes. wow, i was amazed. then came the red for our eyes, lips and eyebrows (yeah, i was surprised with this one too), and of course there's the usual mascarra and stuff. and then the best part of the preparation: picking the kimono. *jumps around in enthusiasm* my favorite colors are blue and black, but i've already worn yukata's in those two colors so i couldn't decide well how to pick my kimono. in the end, my LP picked one for me (or rather forced? just kidding). i was neutral about it at first, but after wearing it and judging from all of the people's reactions, i liked it. it's red, with all the flowers and stuff, and the bottom is black. oh, i just can't describe it with words! sorry. *flashes peace sign* let's get on to the dressing part. above the thin white robe, next came another white piece, with red sleeves printed with bits of white. that was just for the top so a matching skirt followed. and then, there's this hard thing placed around my nape and crossed in front of me, and then kept in place by a strip of clothe tied around me. if i remember it right, the real kimono came next, tied around me with another strip of clothe, and then secured in place by a wide red clothe that was wrapped around my waist up to hip region. then came this pink hard thing above my stomach and small pillows on my back, and then the great obi in cream with gold flowers and design. i really loved that! there was an orange and green rope tied around the middle of my obi, with an ornament at the front and a circle of pearls. then came this red thing to cover up the part of the hard thing on my stomach that was peeking out, and last but not the least, the long continuation of the obi was secured behind me and hung like a great sparkling banner. *dreamy look* the last part before completing the preparation was the hair. they have ready made hairs there, and they picked the one with the yellow flowers for me. it was itchy and heavy, but i like how it looked on me anyway. *grins* before finally setting off, we had our picture taking. the first one was with a red japanese style umbrella, the next was with a ball, and the last one was with a fan. *ear-to-ear smile* i sooo felt like an artista at that time! *beams* and so, off we went! ![]() there were four of us dressed like maiko-san's - me, my LP's niece (in a white and gray kimono), my LP's pretty daughter (in a blue one), and my LP's son's wife (in a pink and purple gorgeous outfit) - walking with my LP, who was like a photographer because of the amount of cameras that were dangling from her body as she took the lead. we walked around the place until 2:30, the delay caused by multiple stops when foreigners and japanese people alike asked us if they could have pictures with us. grabe, feeling artista na talaga. it was so tiring but so fun at the same time. and i bet all those people never realized that i'm not japanese! there were even two filipinas who asked if they could have a pic with us. musta naman? my feet were a little sore after walking for two and a half hours in that high wooden slipper, but i still managed a smile for our last picture outside the shop. we removed our outfit and washed ourselves, and i had to tie my hair again because it got frizzy, although my fringe was messy and i couldn't do anything much about it. we walked for about eternity until we reached this place wherein finally, we had lunch. yasai tendon, as my food was called. it was delicious but way too much for me so it took me quite some time to finish it all up. we took another look at each other's studio pictures, and then decided to get moving. we stopped by two shops, and i bought two packs of yummy food, which i later on decided to give to my other LP and to the akita family (my one-week homestay last october) since i'd be staying over their house again the upcoming thursday. the day was finally over when we decided to face the pain of crowded train rides yet again, although there was a break in which i got to eat a drool-worthy banana caramel cake. yum. we passed by USJ again in order to get to the bus, and my LP's niece bought takoyaki and gave a piece to me when we were settled in the vehicle. we said good bye to our other two companions after the cake-y dinner, by the way. can't recall bits of the bus ride. i was sleeping like a baby then. my LP's niece went down at iida, and i went down with my LP at matsukawa (almost leaving behind one of my pink earrings on my seat. it miraculously got detached from my ear). i stayed over at her house until monday. just slept in until sunday noon, visited her best friend sunday afternoon, and did my homework sunday night. the monday was a school day. whew, all finished! glad i took time to write this. there are still many others that i want to write about, but they could wait until i find the time. *grins* as for today, went to ina to watch my sister play cello, and hang round with my mom and grandma. and do you know that today is a very happy day? oist, happy 9th. *belat* wee, finished this longer than i expected. gotta run. God bless and good night! *peace* * Saturday, November 11, 2006 * okay, this may be the last test for the day. believe me, i was surprised with the results of the last two tests before this one, but this one is the most shocking of all. i mean, i garnered a bunch of results just from clicking colors according to which one made me feel best, second best, and so on. go and take the quiz, and you may be surprised as well. there's a link at the bottom of my results page. anyway, here goes the preview:
yumm. i could smell the fish that my father's cooking now. time for dinner! i'm starving. and maybe i get to go and play badminton later. if all goes well. *jumps with glee* God bless! *peace* okay, here's the result of another test. really, now i'm totally convinced that i still don't know myself all too well. *sighs* I'm a O10-C8-E27-A44-N55 Big Five!! really. i just stumbled into a list of the most commonly entered keywords for personality tests, and decided to take the harry potter test first and foremost. i was totally surprised with result! believe me, they are not soo like me: ![]() i still can't help but laugh when i look at this picture. those of you who know me well may probably be equally surprised as i am with this one. *laughs out loud* i am most like the weasley twins. who would have guessed? wee~ let's try another one! *grins* and if you want to take the harry potter test, click here: which HP kid are you? God bless! okay, here we go with the continuation! if you're someone who's used to reading my fanfictions then you'd probably complained that ''si joyce naman, and hilig sa cliffhangers!'' *grins* so anyway, time to pull you away from the cliff. just sit back, relax and read on! *byahe tayo gesture* okay, here you go! warm and fresh from the oven - universal studios japan! *background setting pops out of thin air* to get this story-telling going smoothly, let me just enumerate the certain spots within usj which we were lucky enough to have visited: (1) wicked. a new musical at the land of oz, which lasted for 30 minutes (half the period of time that we spent in line). as this musical's subtitle states, it generally portrays ''the untold story of the witches of oz''. nice eh? well, if you don't know who those witches are, let me give you a quick introduction: one is the good witch of the east and the other, as you may have guessed by now, is of course, the evil witch of the west. the plot may seem more predictable if i would describe the latter as the wicked witch of the west. hope that wasn't a big spoiler. *grins* (2) jaws. i haven't seen the film yet, but i know that the movie is mainly about sharks. or is it? if it is, well, so is this ride. we got into a huge boat and had a quick tour, within which we encountered very realistic sharks and got sprinkled with water and witnessed other sort of chaos about at least a meter from where we were seating. uper astig. i also had a lot of fun watching our tour guide. she was so animated and so, so cute. *giggles* (3) waterworld. we got in line a little late so we had to stand at the back. but it wasn't really a big loss. from up there we could see the whole setting, and we were saved from getting wet. before the actual drama started, we (the audience) were all taught to do the ''boo'' action, and got into a little game. the audience was divided into two, and the half that does the ''boo'' with less spirit gets to be thrown buckets of water. *grins* it was a crack up to see that the people sitting up front were wearing raincoats. *laughs out loud* smart people, weren't they? *winks* (4) jurassic park. the ride was awesome! and my LP must have been a girl scout because she was well-prepared. before boarding the boat, we were clad in raincoats, awaiting the splash that was soon to come. i never really got to understand the explanations because they were in Japanese, but it was fun anyway. of course the (ala log-jam) splash was the best, although i didn't like how the picture turned out to be. my face didn't look nice. *frowns* (5) back to the future. ever been to enchanted kingdom's realto? well it's sorta like that. you get a seat (or in this case, a car) that moves in a manner that matches the scenes that unfold before you. cool eh? and since i love riding the realto, i also enjoyed this ride very much. i got to sit up front in the car, and it was hilarious to see that there are a couple of other cars beside our own, also bumping and shaking in accordance with the movie in front of us. *grins* (6) spiderman. the concept is so just like the back to the future ride, but i'm pretty confident in saying that this ride is the best ride ever. one big difference is that the movie was in 3d. great~ it was really awesome! i was also surprised to find that there were other effects like droplets of water and heat , all in perfect harmony with what we were seeing. i'm also pretty satisfied with how the picture turned out to be: me wearing the 3d shades was so cool and was a big crack up, though of course, it was totally out-of-character. i didn't buy the pic though. soo expensive. (7) shopping. after we have used up all the tickets in our express-4 booklets, we looked for a nice spot for the evening play, and then went throwing our money away. really, i have never spent that much in a period such as a couple of hours, not even when i had my hair cut for more than 3000 yen. (a yen is equal to 50 centavos. go and give your brain some exercise. *grins*) i bought a can of cookies and candies for my class, another can of cookies for my club, choco crunches for home, and 5 tiny tin cans with 2 candies inside each. whew. i could consider that a big shopping experience, but compared to what my LP's niece bought, my baggage wasn't big enough. my sweets didn't even reach half of hers. woah. anyway, in addition to the snacks, i also bought an elmo phone strap for my phone, and a small key chain for my sister. whew. shopping took eternity. *wipes sweat* (8) peter pan. we sat on the mat that my LP also bought, at the space that we reserved for ourselves before we got almost bankrupt. dinner was as follows: a burger, fries, 2 pieces of nuggets, and a small box of soba that i shared with my LP's niece. nice! and the play was nice too, althugh i still haven't figured out whether i drifted off to sleep or just daydreamed while the show was on. evidently, i couldn't remember a huge part of what we saw. *sweatdrops* (9) picture taking. i actually thought we'd never do this. although i didn't get a picture with crash (most playstation fanatics are probably familiar with the bandicot <<>usj paradise, we got packed like sardines inside the trains. honestly, i was so close to crying at that time. it was alright being compressed since the people around me were mostly females, but my luggage turned out to be getting heavier every minute, and my arms were the most sore parts of my body after decent space was bestowed upon us. *cries* despisable as the demon the train ride must have been, it just made me appreciate the luxury of the hotel more. moriguchi, the royal pines, is one grand place, and i was actually happy that i had my room to myself. i took a nice shower and got the chance to exchange mails with yuka, although it made me a little lonely, finding out that they were all together playing uno til late, while i was there sitting on my hotel bed quite alone. *turns teary-eyed* i fell asleep while trying to repack my things in preparation for the next day, since we were going to have the hotel send our luggage home in the morning. it was good that i woke up early enough to finish the necessary preparations. >to be continued<> by the way, i just joined the guitar club today. asuka joined yesterday, and since we have been planning to join the club long before, i decided to join today after finding out that she was already in. i can't play the guitar though, and i haven't tried playing it seriously in my whole life. *okay, breathe.* probably you're wondering why the hell i wanted to join the club. well, i wanted to sing, and asuka and rena (who both belonged to the club before i jumped in) both told me that i could join the club and just sing. okay, sweet. but after asuka introduced me to the club seniors today (mga 'senpai'), i felt like i had to learn how to play the guitar. and so, my fingers are slightly sore now. but hey, i'm not complaining. the club leader said that maybe after a month me and asuka would be able to play the guitar well, and i would like to be able to accomplish that goal. at 5:45, i became an official member of the guitar club, and until 6:15 we had our private tutorials from the club leader and the lady senpai. okay, gotta work hard! ganbaru yo! i happened to run into matsumura on the way to the club room, and i got to ride the train with him again. i so love train rides in the countryside, and chatting inside the train for about 20 minutes is good enough to relieve me of the stress that are stuck on me all day. after dinner at home, guess what? i actually indulged into playing the guitar, and it was already around 11 that i realized that i've been practicing for more than two hours already! *laughs out loud* okay, seriously, i think i have to go now. that was a long read eh? ostukare sama deshita. i don't know why someone would even bother to read a post as long as mine, but since you did, then i thank you deeply. *hugs* ja, God bless! oyasumi nasai~! *peace* * Wednesday, November 08, 2006 * woah. there are so many things to write about but i don't know where to start. *grins* anyway, here goes! plug your ears with anything because i'm sure to rant away. wee~! before i get on with the real trip, just want to let you all know that i forgot it was halloween last 31. *ouch* hey, you can't blame me. i was busy as hell. and am still is. *pouts* anyway, i was pretty amused coz the japanese people give away candies at halloween. i received sweets from my buddies and classmates, and got pretty envious when the first group (i belong to the seventh one) bagged kitkat after winning the game at english class. argh. *cries* but hey, don't get me wrong. halloween was fun, even without witches and pumpkins hanging from department store ceilings. *laughs* okay, what now? oh yeah, the trip. it's been 3 months since the getaway was planned; i remember one of my LP's telling me last summer (during the curry party *drools*) that she's planned a surprise trip for me on november. and i wondered why she was telling me. i mean, it was a surprise, right? *sweatdrops* oh, by the way, curry rice is a very spicy dish that's so popular here in japan. of course, it tastes like curry because there's curry powder in it *pagpasensyahan ang pilosopo* and as for what an LP is, well.. LP stands for liaison person. actually, i have two of them. they take care of school stuff and other papers and documents for me. naks naman, feeling sosyal. *laughs out loud* and now, obviously, it's november! it's pretty cold here now and everything, but anyway ditch that because that's not what i want to write about. etoh na talaga. the trip was last november 3 and 4, and my LP picked me up from my house and had me stay for the night at her home at nov 2. the planned time was 9 pm, and she arrived at 8:30 so i had her wait for me for half an hour. *grins sheepishly* okay, call me a mean little devil or whatever, but i just couldn't help it that time. i got home at about 8, so what do you expect? anyway, i ate dinner at her house (carbonara that my mom bought for me at 7 11) surrounded by three super-energetic dogs that kept on jumping around me (i was sitting on the floor because the table was low. the room was styled like the traditional japanese homes *smug smile*). after that i took a bath and packed my things for the trip. i got to sleep on the futon with my LP's niece who is about the same age as me. it was cold but the futon was nice. by the way, it's the japanese style 'bed'. it's like a matress on the floor with the sheets and pillow and everything, and a thick and warm blanket (the one really referred to as futon). *another smug smile* my LP's niece had to wake me up when the alarm rang at 5:30. we drove to matsukawa and left the car there, and got onto the bus and had our butts ache after sitting for about 4 hours. just kidding. there were stop-overs so it was okay, but we just went to the toilet and back to the bus anyway (although at one stop we bought breakfast). i took my nap since the opportunity was there, and in no time we arrived at our destination. though we still had to line up before we could go in. here it is: nyahaha. i just can't help but laugh when i remember how it was like. it was one of the most glamorous places that i've ever been. *dreamy look* and i'm sorry to say that i have to leave this hanging for a while. gotta run for dinner. sorry. just let your own imagination work for a while, okay? *peace sign* ja, ready to go! God bless! |
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