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* Tuesday, October 24, 2006 * whew. i can't believe it. (aren't there just so many things that i can't believe? *laughs out loud*) nakapagpuyat ako sa harap ng pc. as in. i can't explain the emotions that are stirring within me now. hisashiburi as they call it in Japanese, when it's been so long since you last did something. *grins* okay, don't look at me like that. everybody knows that i spend my friday and saturday nights in front of the pc and doing a large amount of surfing and replying to the messages that have piled up everywhere, but tonight is different. it's different because there's school tomorrow and i'm only allowed to use the pc after dinner when classes are off the next day. another point is that what i've busied myself with is schoolwork. grabe. you're free to ask me if i'm crazy or anything, but really, now that i've experienced this again, i suddenly missed all the puyat sessions that i had when i was in high school. uper memorable talaga ang risci. i miss trying to stay awake with my head hanging like a doll's for every 10 minutes as i slip into slumber. i miss chatting with the other hapiters and being agitated when they say ''yey, tapos na ko. una na ko ha?''. i miss crying when i realize that it's almost 5 a.m. and i still have a page or two to type. i miss withstanding my mom's scoldings from outside the bathroom whenever she had to get up just to print my report for me while i take a bath. again, call me crazy or anything but i miss cramming. (okay, for those of you who are cursing the person who first crammed and started the habit.. well, don't sue me. i just can't help but feel this way.) haii, ang senti. just stretch your patience for me. but hey, it's not that i've never crammed since i came here. that's impossible. i still cram, but i do it at school and in between classes. naks! it's just that we were never really given work to accomplish using the computer, and that's what i miss. the usual homework, for example in math, is the sort like ''find the area of the triangle..blah blah blah..''. to be solved and written on your notebook. just like that. oh, but the problem is written in japanese, so it takes me eternity to solve them sometimes. funny how i managed to survive four sets of exams already.. anyway, enough with the drama. just thought i'd write about my slightly out-of-the-ordinary day. *grins* wait, have i mentioned that there will be a debate on november? well, there will be one, and my school's language/english club will jump into the arena. yup, my club. and for the past few weeks, we've been working overtime at school to smoothen out all that needs to be prepared. but today, the overtime work has been extended and has reached my home. my friend shoichi (known to everyone as sporty because of his sporty glasses that he wore since back then when he was still a baseball player) sent me the paragraph that he had translated from japanese into english, and what i had to do was check the grammar and the construction of the sentences and send the whole thing back to him afterwards. sounds like a piece of cake, but it took me a long time to finish the work. especially because me and shoichi were also exchanging mails during that time (okay, my craving to have a phone is awakaned yet again! *sighs*). after 10 years, the paragraph has finally been received and printed by mister sporty. shame that he had to wait until this late. it was also sort of my fault why he had to work for the debate in the first place. you see, i was supposed to be in the debate team of 4 (with yuka, mami and acchan), but on the day of the debate my LP had plans to take me to osaka and kyoto (which, according to acchan and to my club teacher, are places that i shouldn't miss visiting), so shoichi had to take my place. seems like he's known to speak good English. anyway, he wasn't even a member of our club, but he had to join and sign the contract. i just can't help but feel pleased because he's been working so hard. he even brought his laptop last saturday, and he had lots of good music and a program that translates japanese into english and vice versa! (which was so convenient, although the translations are sometimes kinda strange *laughs*). there's still a lot of cramming to do, so i hope to be able to see his laptop again. *grins* woah, weird how i suddenly get into sleepy mode in just a second. anyway, work's done so i guess it wouldn't hurt to start counting sheeps. (one, two, three.. *yawns*) oh, i still have a slice of cake to eat though. *drools* ja ne! God bless you always. sweet dreams! oyasumi nasai! *peace* * Sunday, October 22, 2006 * i can't quite believe it. i've survived seven months without a mobile phone. this girl who could spend her whole day lying on her bed and texting actually lived a long span of 7 months without her beloved phone. great, i did a miracle. but now, my calm is shattered. maybe it's because last friday, i spent 30 minutes waiting for someone - anyone - to fetch me from the train station. *sighs* if i had a phone then, my parents would have been aware that ''hey, it's past seven and our girl still isn't home.'' oh, i wish. or maybe because last night, i got to exchange mails with my clubmate, yuka. you see, i could send mails from the computer to her phone and vice versa, with the superb aid of yahoo mail. great eh? last night was like heaven; it was like having my phone again. oh, i so, so miss him. *cries* so now, i'm so dying to have a phone. my sister bought a new one just half an hour ago, and i've been crossing my fingers since then. wish she'd lend me her old one (which is actually moe's). *wails* *sniffs* okay, enough. i'm being a brat again. >.<>fly high and be free! maybe because i want to be free from all the schoolwork and all the stuff that i need to accomplish, or maybe i just want to get over this crazy craving to have a mobile phone. argh! okay, enough is enough. *stomach grumbles* now, i'm starving. kei, dinner's getting ready. gotta run. God bless! *peace* * Wednesday, October 18, 2006 * do you know what a class match is? it's the term used in iida high school (and i guess it's the same term for other schools as well) for the event in which each class competes with the other classes within the batch in six neck-breaking sports: basketball, volleyball, softball, soft tennis, badminton and table tennis. it's fun, all right, if you're not a bummer in sports as i am. and if girls and boys go into separate categories. yup, you get to smash into members of the opposite sex if you choose to play the former three sports, and when you choose the latter three, you might end up dodging smashes and light-fast receives instead of actually playing (if you're in a pair of girls facing two well-built guys, that is). i've been through the ilag moments last spring, having lost two matches against two pairs of guys from other classes. my class was 8th place in badminton, and there are eight classes in our batch. got it? good. if you'd bet i cried after the last match, well, you have something to gain. this crybaby cried indeed. -_- anyway, spring's over, and after summer went by as well, it's autumn now. iida high school students compete in two class matches in an academic year. and yesterday until today, the autumn version of the class match drained all my power. *laughs out loud* but hey, i maybe a loser when it comes to sports, but i have to admit that i indeed enjoy this season's class match. this time, i played tennis (although i really wanted to play badminton), and i am flattering myself by assuring me that my performance was good enough for someone who learned the rules and practiced service the morning before the match, and practiced receiving during the first match itself. whew, i did gain a ton of shame after all the mistakes i did. i cried after we lost the second match. i just couldn't do the underhand service, so i had to go with the overhead style. the ball passed over the net, all right, but it went either straight (it had to bounce into the opposite side of the side where i release the ball) or out of the court (which happened because i tried to face diagonally so the ball would not go straight). argh! i was so frustrated at myself, and honestly considered myself as the cause of our loss. but my teammates wouldn't hear the end of it. before i could pour out all the apology that i wanted to tell them, they had enumerated all the things that i could do well, saying that those things are more than just being able to play a sport well. i had to admit those compliments made me burst into tears. but, those tears were tears of joy at that time. :) my tennis team ended up at 7th place (okay, you know how many classes there are), and my class ended up second over-all. basketball got 7th place, badminton and table tennis bagged 1st, volleyball reached third and the softball team settled at 5th. (with my classmate kubota atsumi as the pitcher. she was totally cool! *kilig effect*) we were all surprised with the over-all results; we beat class h, the class that ranked 1st over-all last spring. *yatta!* this time, class e dominated our batch, and i could say that my classmates were also happy for them because they really deserved to be on top! my clubmates also belong to class e, so we had fun chatting along after the class match was over. :) by the way, we also did relay. my class went last though. -_- woah, this turned out to be longer than i've expected. guess i'm still having the hang-over of indulging into sports. *laughs* back to normal school life. *sighs* wee~! God bless! *peace* * Tuesday, October 03, 2006 * wai, i've figured out how i could put post titles! i really don't like rambling on from one post to another without titles in between, so i had to find a way. whew! *wipes off sweat* really, it was so weird. the space for typing the post title literally doesn't appear on the create post sayonara to that problem, so that's behind me now! *acts like am waving goodbye at someone* okay, i'm losing my head again. *sweatdrops* so ayun. thanks to the help section of blogger, i was helped! *worships the help section* by the way, i also have my shoutbox now! credits go to my besty bea! just clicked on the shoutmix link below her shoutbox. *wants to hug her besty but can't* aww.. anyway, time for dinner! ja ne! God bless! *peace* * Sunday, October 01, 2006 * yey! finally, the skin's intact! nyahaha. *dances like crazy* but wait, i have a problem. why isn't there a space for entry titles here in blogger? argh! am i just blind or is there a problem with my browser? *wails* ugh, it's sort of freezing here. and dinner's getting ready. so maybe i'd leave this hanging here. *sigh* anyway, God bless! *peace* whew. i really don't know what came into me. just decided to put up a blog, and now it's up! yey! *jumps with glee* anyway, it's exactly 3 in the morning here and i still haven't caught some winks. shocks. am i really this desperate to put this blog up? anyhow, i hope dismissing slumber would pay off well. (though i'm pretty sure it would take me several more puyat sessions to make this blog as decent as.. well.. as decent as a decent blog should be. *sweatdrops*) oh my, my eyes have suddenly grown heavier! how long does it take to download blog skins anyway? i hope not longer than the time i spent choosing one.. which is a couple of hours. *grins* okay, i've decided. i gotta sleep! and fast! i don't think i'd be able to keep this up any longer. argh! plan to download the skin some other time. woosh! now, here i fly, to the great oblivion of sleep! *faints* (honestly, don't you think i'm crazy? *sighs*) God bless! have a pleasant night! *peace* |
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